You wish to sell your artwork on this is what you need to know to do so
We, at, have always envisioned to provide artists with the opportunity to focus on creating their works of original art and provide a marketplace for exposure to will be buyers of their work, in a cost efficient, comprehensive, constructive way for the artist thus allowing buyers to purchase the instrinsic value of the artwork without having to consider nor pay for the marketing aspects related to getting their interest peaked and the rare artwork known. Many artists find it not feasible to have art high commissioned agents, especially in the beginning of their art careers, and both their time and earnings are often put back into creating their work. For established artists such endeavours are favorable but for beginners that is a hard step from creating to getting their work into a broader marketplace to serious art lovers, art purchasers and investors. Establishing themselves requires an avenue to the world and the worldwide web is a huge step towards it. Many professional artists do not desire mass marketing their work on extremely well known auction sites nor sell reprints of their work through large commercial retail chains and so the need for an alternate to selling their original pieces is needed. We, at, are happy to be that alternative.
To expose and sell your artwork on this site we require the following to begin the process & to ensure simplicity in getting from point A to Z (from exposing ones work online to delivery of said item to the purchaser of it). To do so at first the artist must factor in the following:
An email to us, with one picture of the artwork alone, one picture of the signature of the artwork, one picture of them alongside the artwork and an email with your coordinates, including email and address and your intended price selling your artwork (factoring in their shipping costs). A promise of refunding the purchaser with a specified amount of time, of their choosing should the delivery of the item see it be damaged should be written into the form with the date and their signature. When these are received by us we will send an email back to you with a description of the costs associated with exposure on our site ($ 10.00 + 1% per month, per month of your intended selling price + 10% of the end selling price, once we have paid you for the art piece, through paypal and received confirmation of the delivery of your art piece to the will be purchaser). Once the $ 10.00 + 1% of the intended selling price payment is paid through paypal to us along with the required pictures and descriptions of your artwork, person and whatever information you wish the will be purchaser of your artwork will put online for you to see within a 24 hour period following and for the 31 days to follow. After those 31 days are passed you will be sent an email asking you whether you wish to pursue marketing your art piece on our site. If the answer is yes only the 1% of the intended selling price will be required to be paid by paypal thus extending your exposure for another 31 days and so on. If you desire at any time to lower your 1% commission fee on a monthly basis all awhile maintaining exposure then you can email us with a signature stating your desire to lower your intended selling price and accordingly your commission to us will be lowered as well. This ensures the notion that everyone involved with your artwork will benefit on a standardized scale. You sell your work more expensive, the purchaser gets proof your work is worth as much as he or she pays for it and we are happy as well with our commission. If you sell it lower then the purchaser pays less upfront, still maintains a registered value for the art he or she paid for and we maintain a business relationship with you, the beginner artist, which we are proud of aiding in a simplified way. Most of all as an artist you maintain your autonomy, focus on your work, get exposure and more business opportunity and can control costs while awaiting the financial benefits associated with your work, all awhile controlling and knowing who purchases your work as well. It is a win-win for everyone involved.
It is recommended, while not an obligation that a personalized letter from the artist be added with their delivery to the will be purchaser as this solidifies the reality that in fact they can show future purchasers of your artwork how professional you are and how valid the rarity of your work is.
Our main intent is to allow new artists a step in the door to their future and encourage them to get well known and prosper to the benefit of themselves and their will be purchasers of their artwork. We, at look forward to aiding those who increase the amount of collectibles in the marketplace, without flooding it with non scarce work. We, as other collectors and investors and the creators of their great works of art can all benefit from a symbionic relationship to the marketplace. So why not send us inquiries through email and let us get going building up the industry to what it can and will become.